
Here is a quick definition of terms to help you understand at a glance what employer branding is.

Employer Branding

Employer brand is the art and science of managing this perception to achieve your organizational goals. A sound employer branding strategy establishes your position in desired market/s and delivers metrics in talent attraction, engagement and retention. Employer branding complements your consumer branding and corporate branding efforts and as such, takes marketing, HR, communications and leadership perspectives into consideration.It is the perception of who you are as a workplace by existing employees, potential employees and the general public.

Employer Brand

Employer branding is your reputation as an employer. It is the perception of who you are as a workplace by existing employees, potential employees and the general public.

Employee Value Proposition (EVP)

Employee value propositionsor EVPs, are your functional, economic and psychological offerings to existing and potential employees in exchange for their tangible and intangible contributions to your organization. It is your promise as a workplace. EVPs must be articulated in a manner that your desired market/s can resonate with and should be consistently experienced by those who have believed in your promise.